Thursday 27 December 2007

sometimes i too dont understand myself well.i can comfort my friends when they are sad and listen to them.but sometimes i too get sad and whats worse,i dont even know what to do.ever since i came to kl,i breakdown more often than before.i dont know whats got into me but i will try my best to find out.i dont understand why i still cant get over you despite that theres so many girls both hot and normal passing by my path every once in a friends keep telling me to let go of you but i just cant.and i dont know why.its like theres a bond that keeps you from moving away from a certain thing.i wish i can getover with this nightmare.everytime when im almost close to getting over you,you just pop by and become very nice to me.its like you appear all of a sudden from no where.what do you call that?fate?destiny?or what?i dont know.i will leave that for you to guess.ive heard that youre into someone now but what can i do?all i can do is to pray for you that you and that lucky guy can be happy together and no quarreling.

theres nothing good about me.the only thing that im slightly better at is prolly listening to those who are sad.but who will listen to me when im sad?who can i spill my heart to?coz no one really understands me.neither do i.some say im a good friend but why do i often get stabbed behind by my own friends?or even my besties?and why do i always get all the blame when things tend to go wrong?are these problems that being a good friend have to bear?

do you have a friend that will wake up in the middle of the night and listen to you cry and spill you heart out?do you have someone that will support you when you are really broke?do you have a freaking friend that will help you call a girl thats travelling overseas and lie to her about how good you are?and that she should consider you?do you have a friend that will take the blame even though its not all his fault?and will he forgive you when you backstabbed or said something bad behind him?do you have a friend that will call you are sad and he gets scolded for his phone bills?

is this what i deserve?what mistake have i made?im turning into a crazy lunatic me.

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